SQA documentation ================== This framework provides various services regarding to software quality. Description ----------- This software is built as a python package, distributed as docker image. Its goal is to help researchers, developers and RSEs_ develop software with better quality. Currently there are two ways to run the services. Requirements ------------ The software you want to run the services on **must** be a git_ repository with a remote location named 'origin'. **via GitLab CI/CD** * available GitLab-Runner_ with the docker-executor_ **local usage** * docker_ >= 19.03.1 Structure of the Documentation ------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 pages/installation pages/usage pages/services.md pages/configuration.md pages/templates.md pages/AUTHORS.md pages/CONTRIBUTING.md pages/CHANGELOG.md SQA report Source Code .. _RSEs: https://de-rse.org/en/ .. _git: https://git-scm.com/ .. _GitLab-Runner: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/ .. _docker-executor: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html .. _docker: https://www.docker.com/