# Installation --- ## General Due to many dependencies in many different programming languages, it is recommended to use it via [docker][docker]. You can find more information about the usage via docker in the usage section. The same reason prevents it currently from being hosted on PyPI. --- ## Requirements ### OS * git ### GO * gitleaks ### Ruby * github-linguist * json ### Python * click==7.1.2 * gitpython==3.1.8 * igittigitt==2.0.2 * orderedset==2.0.3 * pyyaml==5.3.1 * requests==2.24.0 * reuse==0.11.1 * schema==0.7.2 * spdx-license-list==0.5.1 * stdlib-list==0.7.0 * tabulate==0.8.7 * toml==0.10.1 --- ## From Source Please make sure, all requirements are met. ```shell script git clone https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/id2/software/services/fair/software-quality-assurance.git cd software-quality-assurance/src python setup.py install ``` --- [docker]: https://www.docker.com/